How to make your social media platforms pop this Spring

By Lucy Mazzucco

With spring almost in the air, many business owners may be starting to adopt the “out with the old and in with the new” mentality when it comes to showing off their stock and finding ways to attract new customers via social media.

Photo: iStock by kitzcorner

That being said, there are several fairly simple ways that business owners can use social media to their advantage. Here are some tips to make your platforms “pop” so you can maximize business this spring.

Partial Rebrand

While a full rebrand isn’t always in the cards for every business owner, a partial rebrand may be something worth looking into.

For those who aren’t familiar, a partial rebrand essentially consists of showcasing your brand in a new light, for a fraction of the cost. Cue: social media.

Getting some icons designed with a new aesthetic can be enough to attract more attention to your posts (and your brand). The good news is, they don’t even have to be all that different. Using the same graphics your customers know and love, but with a new set of colours can be a great way to grab people’s attention on social media, particularly if they contain pastels, pinks, and yellows, all of which are reminiscent of spring.

Hop on the Bandwagon

These days, it’s all about the aesthetic on social media. Influencers have a good thing going on, and it’s for a reason.

Gone are the days where you need to invest in fancy photoshoots. People don’t necessarily want to see products showcased on models anymore. They want someone relatable, and they want content that’s easily digestible and accessible.

Hopping in front of the camera and showing your face more often can be a great way for customers to feel connected to your brand on a more personal level. Customers now more than ever want to relate to the brands they’re repping, so get on your platforms and film some fun, aesthetically pleasing unboxing videos or layout shots of your spring stock.

Engage with Your Audience

Whether it’s through fun comments or colourful emojis, building engagement on social media is one way to make your brand’s pages stand out. The more energy you put into responding to comments and interacting with your followers, the more likely you are to end up on people’s explore pages.

If you need a little help with this, boosting posts can be a great way to target the audience you want to be looking at your posts. While there is a cost associated with this, it can be a good investment since it ensures you’re gaining the visibility you want. In these cases, SEO is also your best friend and can ensure your social media pages appear on search engines.

Remember, social media platforms, albeit ever-changing, can be a great, convenient, and inexpensive way to attract new customers and keep your existing ones coming back for more. With just a few tweaks, your social media pages can be a great platform to gain new customers and maximize business so you can thrive this spring and beyond.


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