Three ways spring cleaning can benefit small business owners

Many Canadian business owners are anticipating an early spring and getting a head start on their cleaning and organizing in hopes of maximizing business next season.

By Lucy Mazzucco

It may still be February, but with no shadow in sight for Wiarton Willie, many Canadian business owners are anticipating an early spring and getting a head start on their cleaning and organizing in hopes of maximizing business next season.

Small business owners often see spring as a time of renewal and seize the opportunity to set new goals. As many begin to put in their spring orders, organize new inventory and plan ahead for the summer, cleaning and decluttering can be an excellent way to leave the winter months behind and start fresh with an organized work and headspace.

Here are three reasons why spring cleaning can benefit small business owners.

Increases Productivity

It’s no surprise that decluttering a workspace can help business owners focus better, organize their days, and even prioritize tasks more efficiently.

Several studies conducted over the years have revealed that productivity and happiness are linked together, so encouraging your employees to do some spring cleaning can help them be more productive overall by allowing them to prioritize tasks more efficiently and even benefit their mental health and well-being.

Helps With Organization

When it comes to the art of organization, many people may feel overwhelmed with the thought of decluttering or throwing things out that have accumulated for weeks (or even months). For those who may not know how to declutter efficiently, or who have a difficult time tossing things they may no longer need, Marie Kondo may be worth looking into.

Kondo is an organizing consultant, author and TV show host who rose to fame with her motto, “the art of tidying up” which she talks about online, in books and even on Netflix. The purpose of this motto is to teach people how to, well, tidy up. While it seems self-explanatory, the reality is that several people struggle with throwing things out due to having an emotional attachment to the items or worrying they’ll need them in the future. Encouraging teammates to implement Kondo’s motto may teach them to acquire the willpower to get rid of items they no longer need.

Once it’s all said and done, your employees may be shocked to learn that a lighter workspace can make their heads feel lighter, too, and in turn, increase the quality of their work.

Declutter = Destress

When it comes to keeping workspaces tidy, a decluttered space can actually help to alleviate stress. Oftentimes, working in a messy space can cause employees to feel overwhelmed and frustrated which can have negative effects on their mental health in the long run.

Encouraging employees to do spring cleaning more than once a year can help them get into a habit of keeping their spaces organized which will help to keep them happy and avoid feelings of burnout. This goes for digital workspaces, too, including emails, download folders and desktop icons that may be causing clutter on their computers.

So, gather the troops either in-person or virtually and encourage them to get a head start on their spring cleaning so you can collectively be more productive, motivated and in a happier, healthier, frame of mind to embrace new possibilities.


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