Q&A: Curating a fun and funky space

Design Community Advocate Marla Baker chats with international TV Host, Amanda Aerin about everything interior design. Aerin is notoriously known for her edgy interior design style that evokes a distinguished and playful lifestyle.

Photo: Amanda Aerin.

MB - One of your influences is European architecture, how do you go about incorporating dramatic patterns and rich textures into a space?

AA - Adding architectural elements like applied molding is one of the simplest ways to add richness to a space, it elevates the walls from basic drywall to pieces of art. Rich velvets and geometric patterns in textiles have also been a favourite of mine, very much influenced by Parisian flats and Italian villas.


MB – Wallpaper. What are your thoughts?

AA - If I have it my way, most rooms will have some type of wallpaper. The mix of lush papers and architectural moldings provide a feeling of luxury that cannot be achieved by drywall alone.


MB - What are some tips for showrooms to elevate and make their space more inviting for consumers?

AA - Showrooms have a unique ability to transport visitors to a new place mentally, visitors come in anticipating an inspiring experience, so give it to them! Organize items by room or colour, light candles for scent, play music that reflects your brand and offers water to guests, sell the lifestyle; they will buy from you to get the same experience in their own living room.


MB: And for trade only showrooms?

AA: Offer a bright space with good lighting, large work tables with stools and if possible, having supporting product to what you sell is helpful. For example, if you sell fabrics, have a few wood and paint samples on hand- to help ‘sell’ the fabric.


MB - What are your favourite interior trends at the moment?

AA: My top three trends right now are:

-            Mid toned wood floors, they are super practical and beautiful.

-            Bold natural stones, mother nature is incredible!

-            Kitchens that feel more like beautiful boutique hotel bars, warm and comfortable.



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